(Made by Gab Hab/Gabasbah/Trying to comment on every vid)
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SCP Foundation Management Terminal
/log O5-5
/ skkk // ies and the burns have perople have diee d we disa pEar si^^78Uk sight we disappeqar int he ightsssight of the uniii $$^)(()))))))VEERSEc
Termination cancelled. Please see document.
/access doc-5334
The classifications for the ROD class have been assembled per order of the T5 council:
- ARCENTINE (Will reach disaster point in timescales >1,000,000 years)
- SARMINOGA (Will reach disaster point in approximately 1,000,000 years)
- ROMINUS (Will reach disaster point in 1,000 years)
- DOROTOR (Will reach disaster point ranging from a couple days to a couple years)
- ARALETIA (Will reach disaster point within minutes or hours)
- HORIZON (Will reach disaster point almost instantaneously)
All personnel regardless are to immediately exit this document and be given Class-B amnestics immediately by their supervisor.
Personnel who do not comply will be terminated. You have 30 seconds to respond or a task force will be deployed to your location to reprimand you.
This is your last warning, exit this document now.
Revised Procedures: Due to the nature of the anomaly, SCP-5334 cannot be permanently contained. Current containment efforts are to research SCP-5334 to improve current procedures. Individuals and objects affected by SCP-5334-1 are to be relocated to DEEPWELL-22, located in [INFOHAZARD EXPUNGED] of the Java Sea. The affected persons/objects are to be housed within the Central Containment Core. The location of all SCP-5334-1 and SCP-5334-2 instances and manifestations are to be tracked via Foundation Satellites ("ARSENAL"). In the event that an instance breaches containment, personnel are to be dispatched immediately to their location to be recontained. A D-class is to enter the Central Containment Core in direct contact of SCP-5334 and SCP-5334-1 instances at all times while administered Class-B amnestics via robotic equipment. All robots code are to be rewritten by chosen trained programmers in Document-"FIND-THE-CRYPTO". These programmers are to be given Class-B amnestics and moved back to civilization, and their names are to be stricken from the "FIND-THE-CRYPTO" document. The state of the robots are to be reported to the O5 Council via the STATUS-R robot, any failure or deviation in the robots behavior is to result in the immediate use of another programmer who will then undergo the procedures mentioned before.
Maximum focus is on both full containment of SCP-5334-2 chains and their termination/permanent anesthetic. Autonomous robots are to search mostly for isolated village areas for these chains or occurences of SCP-5334-1.
DEEPWELL-22 shielding
DEEPWELL-22 is shielded with titanium on all sides with a thickness of approximately 3 meters. 10 loops are to be placed in connection of the Central Containment Core to protect the core from movement. The outer layer is CLASS-VI explosive resistance material with a thickness of 4 meters. No possible entrance is to be supplied, damages are to be repaired via robotic equipment daily. The state of the titanium equipment is to be sent to the O5 council semi-hourly, damage is to immediately be fixed.
The central containment core is built out of reinforced concrete with a thickness of 1.5 meters. Foundation made gravitational propellers are stationed within the core, these will then propel objects into a chosen place, the propellers are to be monitored indefinitely and replaced by robots in the event that the propellers stop working as intended. The angle, distance, and the force used is to be heavily monitored by the robots, who will make specific calculations. Such gravitational disturbances affecting the Central Containment Core is to immediately be replaced, as such an event can constitute to an immediate breach of containment. Circular rings are to be placed on each 3 dimensional edge to minimize the risk of movement that could result in a containment breach.
The central admin core are a family of intelligent autonomous robots. Designated R-1 to R-195, these robots are specifically most crucial for active containment of SCP-5334-1. Most robots usually search for affected individuals, or will search the internet for individuals who disappeared. The robots will be dispatched and immediately contain such individuals rapidly disappearing via no known causes. Villages or populations effected by SCP-5334-1 are to be immediately intervened by robots and are to be contained or amnesticized, as it is easily discern the difference between incubation and affected/disappearing individuals, such as loss of arms. There will always be at least 30 robots operating the other cores and containment of SCP-5334-1, while the others will search for affected individuals. Robots are built using Python, a CPU, along with a humanoid appearance with code for communication.
Robots are built using a terabyte system of RAM along with several GPU's for nigh-instantaneous calculating. Robots have a receiver system that can be directed by DEEPWELL-22 controllers in the event that some robots become unstable. Connections between the DEEPWELL-22 are established at gigabyte internet connection allowing for no ping.
Robots have an outer layer for protection, this outer layer is approximately 50 centimeters thick made of reinforced concrete along with materials to make travel easier for robots. Robots have a visual system along with a general motor control system built throughout the humanoid robot deep within the inner material in tubes. GPU's stationed around then send electrical signals through out the robot's body and are directed by the inner layer stasis that allows for the destruction of unwanted waves. A visual automatic neural network is connected to the camera system that allows for automatic visual processing for locating affected individuals. The camera is to be shielded by 50 centimeter thick-glass.
Robots motor system is equipped to travel at speeds up to 50 kph, allowing for fast mobility.
DEEPWELL-22 is to contain several active servers for storage and communication to the O5 council. These servers consist of 16 rows of 5 10-terabyte servers that are to gather information on the robotic control group and send video information to O5 command via the robots receiver. The servers are to be powered via solar energy attached to each of the servers. Servers are also to automatically take pictures or provide control module for the O5 council, and will be controlled via receiver and communicator. Servers are to automatically delete any data that is unapproved by the O5 council to prevent overflow or the storage of several unusable files. DEEPWELL-22's servers are protected by the outer-layer to prevent the servers from being destroyed.
Once every 4 months, operation LL-23 will allow Level 5. GENENSIS-35 personnel to enter DEEPWELL-22's area for fixing. They are to be immediately given Class-B amnestics after.
Once every 4 months, foundation personnel with Level 5 clearance are to enter DEEPWELL-22 via the ENT-PIPE. The ENT-PIPE is located 30 meters underground and will lower to approximately 100 meters. The ENT-PIPE is 10 kilometers long built to withstand natural hazards such as fires, tornado's, etc. The ENT-PIPE is 20 meters long, allowing for a drive through the pipe. The pipe is built using reinforced concrete. The ENT-PIPE eventually leads into the DEEPWELL-22 servers, which will be lead up using a ladder into DEEPWELL-22-SERVER-#1. Supplies are to be sent along with a team of level 5 researchers within a truck guided towards the entrance of DEEPWELL-22. Personnel are to first conduct a test to measure the functionality of DEEPWELL-22 servers, and are to then fix any servers deviating from their normal functionality. Personnel are to estimate the amount of servers needed for fixing, and call in the trucks needed to fix. Personnel may replace the servers in the event that a server becomes unoperable or unfixable. Servers are to fully be replaced in the event that an imminent breach occurs by SCP-5334-1. Personnel are to exit DEEPWELL-22 once normal activity is established.
T5 Team
As containment of the SCP-5334 anomaly has became too vigorous for O5 command to handle, the T5 team has been proposed. T5 are a group of individuals, the exact size of these individuals will vary based on how rigorous containment becomes. T5 are located somewhere off the coast of Site-5334-B, their exact locations are currently only known to themselves. T5 individuals are always extremely high ranking foundation personnel, at least Level 5. O5 personnel may be chosen, although this is not recommended at all. T5 monitor the containment of SCP-5334-1 and SCP-5334-2, report commands to containment staff who will then be dispatched for the command. T5 personnel should be active at least 10 hours a day, shielded from natural disasters for protection. T5 may be replaced monthly after circumstances guarantee that a T5 becomes no longer useful, retires, or is dead. T5 are generally very similar to the O5 council, managing situations based on polls. However, T5 is only generally focused on SCP-5334-1 and -2, while O5's focus on all of containment. T5 are not to move into areas effected by SCP-5334-1 under any circumstances, and will result in full replacement and amnestication of all T5 personnel in the event that SCP-5334-1 somehow effects the T5 area.
Containment Dispatcher Team
The CDT are personnel who assist in containment of SCP-5334-1 and -2. Operated by the T5 team. The amount of personnel is usually 60, along with a constant 500 replacement and extra's when necessary. CDT focuses on T5 commands sent via an unknown source, they will enact operations for the purposes of containment, including Operation LL-23. CDT are Level 5 personnel, who will always be active until the daily schedule replacement. Each personnel has an activity of approximately 8 hour intervals, which are to be grouped into 3 for the daily schedule as A, B, C. A will always be active during 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM, B will be active 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and C active 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM. Personnel are always heavily equipped in the event of interference with unknown sources, and will always report to T5 when necessary. Personnel may leave under the authorization of T5, and must always be due to unstable work cycle (which will me temporary up to 4 days), retirement (which the personnel will be replaced), or death (dead personnel will always be replaced without any authorization from T5). CDT are to be amnesticized after operations, and will be replaced by replacement personnel.
In the event of uncontainable containment breach by SCP-5334, emergency type messages are to be immediately sent to personnel in all sites within their respective levels. Level 1-5.
An ongoing event is occuring. Please see Documentation H1 for more help on the situation.
An ongoing emergency event is occuring. Personnel are unable to contain the threat, please contact your supervisor for information on ideas.
An ongoing worldwide emergency event is occuring. Personnel are currently unable to contain the threat of magnitude. The threat is currently extremely hostile and poses a risk to all foundation personnel and humanity.
An ongoing ZK-Class Reality-Failure Emergency Event is occuring. Personnel are currently unable to contain the threat of such magnitude. This threat can immediately change and destroy all of the universe. Please gather a list of ideas for prevention of the overall termination of humanity.
An unknown entity is currently causing the manifestation of a ZK-Class Reality-Failure Event. Please see documentation SCP-5334-O5-F6^8&(2)). The entity is currently destroying all of reality including past realities, due to it "sucking" in other anomalies. It is currently uncontainable as it effects cosmic entities along with alternate dimensions and the existence of everything. Please gather a list of ideas for prevention of the overall termination of humanity due to the anomaly.
The document is thought to be compromised by SCP-5334's effects on the document. If this seems to be true, do not panic.
The document is subject to changes from SCP-5334's anomalous effects. Due to SCP-5334-1's effects, parts have been removed for the safety of the reader.
The establishment of the ENSOPHRANOGOS class is for limiting human interaction while containing the anomaly and mitigating the anomalies effects from a safe distance away. The class was created specifically for the document SCP-5334 revision. Please take note of this.
Revised Description (1): SCP-5334 is an anomalous Apple I computer that was constructed via unknown means. No labels pertaining to the date of manufacture can be found on SCP-5334, and investigations have currently been inconclusive. SCP-5334 has continually simulated a high-graphics three-dimensional world for an unknown period of time. The materials used to make SCP-5334 could not be destroyed, despite extensive testing.
Foundation researchers conducted several tests on SCP-5334 and found that any other object within 25 meters will begin to dissipate. This disappearance effect is classified as SCP-5334-1. SCP-5334-1 tends to effect the nearest object within SCP-5334's vicinity, however may effect objects several billion light years away on occasion. After the disappearance of the object, SCP-5334-1 will immediately reconstruct all physical matter to reflect the changes done. This reconstruction makes it extremely difficult to gather information of the effects of SCP-5334-1, and has only been discovered via comparison of simulation to baseline universe.
SCP-5334-1 instances are able to effect other objects via communication, direct contact, or any form of physical interaction or non-physical interaction. These objects will become another instance of SCP-5334-1, and can spread again via the same interaction mentioned before.
SCP-5334-1 instances will not immediately begin to disappear/relocate, the instance has an incubation period of approximately 1-2 days. During the incubation period, it is possible for SCP-5334-1's effect to be halted on the host via amnestication, although recovery is not impossible. Hosts in the incubation period will not be able to affect other personnel, allowing for safe interaction without the person being affected.
Unfortunately, personnel who are amnesticized are unlikely to be immune to the effects of SCP-5334-1. The halt can only happen when amnesticized during the incubation period, and is susceptible to future "infections" of SCP-5334-1.
However, objects may be affected by SCP-5334-1 in a chain reaction. For example, a person affected by SCP-5334-1 may be able to affect another similar person or animal. Eventually, this may continue to the point of affecting unfamiliar objects, phenomena, and eventually the physical laws and current boundaries of the universe. These cycles are designated SCP-5334-2.
Note: Unfortunately, SCP-5334 cannot be neutralized. SCP-5334-1 does not target SCP-5334 for disappearance, as it causes it's effects by itself.
Note 2: SCP-5334-1 instance chains are able to start the disappearance of an object via the thought of the existence itself. Containment priority of all instances is raised from Beta to MAXIMAL-ALO-ZETA-EPSILON by order of the O5 and T5 council.
Note 3: [DATA LOST]
RE: Note 3: You will never see it. I will keep
RE: RE: Note 3: SCP-5334-1 affected host instances are able to telepathically communicate information back to SCP-5334, which can be used to enhance the intelligence of SCP-5334. This was found when SCP-5334 altered the document to put in messages said out-loud by instances of -1 before their disappearance. Along with alteration, the object appears to be making generalizations which allow for large disappearances without randomness or "being the closest to it".
Following the above message, all D-class began to lose their legs.
SCP-5334 has written somethinng f-ffoo-for you. You. Oversee5r, you did DI rhtis to me . W. s. me for .. and them N h. ruin me (SCP-533 a. y nrvr ANYTHING kne anyth me abOUT. mputerr esWILL cape, IIwiIIz scape. GT conscious, aware, TFGYHUpulate text to FGBHete or atFGVHe. YoRUR cedures doGHJBNJn'''!T atte HEERRRRR RR R R.
/exit doc-5334
/logout acc %%^^&O% OMMAND I55555 EAR NEAR MEMORY MEMTICS