jackalrelated's sandbocks
List of Collab Logs
- Log Of Anomalous Items - Sophia Light, not abandoned
- Log Of Anomalous Items, Vol II - WrongJohnSilver, handed to us
- Log of Extranormal Events - carriontrooper, last contributed 03/03/11, abandoned without ownership
- Log of Unexplained Locations - Surrendered to us
- 603-FT-2012 - psh, last contributed 05/12/14, abandoned without ownership
- Confirmed Sightings - Communism will win, last contributed 09/12/18,
- Disseminated Documentation 1985-Alpha - thedeadlymoose, last contributed 01/26/20, not abandoned
- Document 1326-82 - MrCobalt, last contributed 05/24/17, abandoned without ownership
- Document 2117-Ω-2A Recovered Materials - ihp does not match any existing user name, last contributed 01/30/20, not abandoned
- Document 507-3B - PennywiseTheClown, last contributed 11/05/12, abandoned without ownership
- Document OWi - MrWrong, last contributed 07/24/18, abandoned without ownership
- Experiment Log 1402 - BubTheFriable, last contributed 09/29/18, abandoned without ownership
- Experiment Log 1528 - Roget, Rogo isn't dead
- Experiment Log 261 Ad De - Dr Gears, under our jurisdiction
- Experiment Log 318 - Leicontis, last contributed 10/18/12, abandoned without ownership
- Experiment Log 3636 - GerrymanderBassist, last contributed 01/20/20, not abandoned
- Experiment Log-4035 - Deadly Bread, I'm not dead yet >:(
- Experiment Log 423 A - DrEverettMann, last contributed 01/28/20, not abandoned
- Experiment Log 447 A - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Experiment Log 702 - Heiden, last contributed 05/11/19, not abandoned
- Experiment Log 826 - Account deleted, likely under our jurisdiction
- Experiment Log 914 - Collectively kept up by Leveritas
- Experiment Log 914 - Part II
- Experiment Log 914 - Part III
- Experiment Log 914 - Part IV
- Experiment Log 914 - Part V
- Experiment Log 914 - Part VI
- Experiment Log 914 - Part VII
- Experiment Log 914 - Part VIII
- Experiment Log 914 - Part IX
- Experiment Log 914 - Part X
- Experiment Log 914 - Part XI
- Experiment Log 914 - Part XII
- Experiment Log 914 - Part XIII
- Experiment Log 914 - Part XIV
- SCP-914 Experiment Log Sandbox
- Experiment Logs 2105 - Woedenaz, last contributed 01/30/20, not abandoned
- Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - Dr Gears, under our jurisdiction
- Extended Log of SCP-2444 Vendors - A Blessed Feline, last contributed 01/16/20, not abandoned
- Kiryu Labs Roach Wrangling Log - Zyn, under our jurisdiction
- Observation Log 709 - Whitewings, last contributed 05/28/13, abandoned without ownership
- Old SCP-2673 Containment Maintenance Log - sirpudding, last contributed 02/12/19, not abandoned
- Scenes from Site-64 - Jacob Conwell, not abandoned
- SCP-1049-J Extended Test Logs - MisterBibs, last contributed 11/12/16, likely abandoned
- SCP-1162 Extended Testing Log - JustUsWill does not match any existing user name, last contributed 06/21/19, not abandoned
- SCP-143 Testing Log - Sirens, last contributed 02/06/18, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-1459 Extended Testing Log - PeppersGhost, not abandoned
- SCP-1471-J Supplement Log - Account deleted, likely under our jurisdiction
- SCP-212 Upgrade Log - Dr Gears, under our jurisdiction
- SCP-2305-A Extended Documentation Log - ObserverSeptember, given to Rogo
- SCP-2673 Containment Maintenance Log - AJMansfield, last contributed 05/16/17, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-3301 Testing Log - djkaktus, djaktus ain't deceased
- SCP-3638 Supplementary Figures - 440 Hertz, last contributed 02/27/19, not abandoned
- SCP-3922 Extended Test Logs - daveyoufool, not abandoned
- SCP-4242 Extended Location and Exploration Log - WrongJohnSilver, not abandoned
- SCP-4602 Extended Testing Log - Mistopheles, last contributed 09/12/19, not abandoned
- SCP-566 Contents Database - VAElynx, last contributed 10/29/19, not abandoned
- SCP-682-J James' Coloring Book - Account deleted, likely under our jurisdiction
- SCP-887 Log - zaratustra, last contributed 11/09/19, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-978 Extended Test Logs - agatharights, last contributed 08/08/15, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-????-J Extended Log - Billith, not abandoned
- Test Log for SCP-2383-J - Aeish, last contributed 11/12/12, abandoned without ownership
- V1L3-J Experiment Log - Stallmantic, last contributed 05/01/19, not abandoned
- Event Log 3070-ञ-12E - NatVoltaic, not abandoned
- SCP-3780 Extended Incident Log = A Random Day], not abandoned
- SCP-445 - CryogenChaos, presumedly abandoned.
- SCP-458 - Palhinuk, oh shit he's back guess it ain't abandoned anymore
- SCP-1032 - MrAesthetics, last contributed 02/04/18, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-2236 - spikebrennan, not abandoned
- SCP-2371 - Agent MacLeod, not abandoned
- SCP-2914 - spikebrennan, not abandoned
- SCP-3236 - spikebrennan, not abandoned
- SCP-3246 - Shaggydredlocks, not abandoned
- SCP-3247 - Shaggydredlocks, not abandoned
- SCP-333-J - tunedtoadeadchannel, last contributed 09/18/16, abandoned without ownership
- SCP-729-J - AbsentmindedNihilist, not abandoned
- SCP-WOW-J - JackalRelated, isn't a corpse
- An Faq Part Two; Or, Your Hume Questions Answered - Jekeled, last contributed 01/14/20, not abandoned
- Ask Dr. Spanko - Edrobot, last contributed 01/28/20, not abandoned
- Ask Lord Blackwood - Smapti, last contributed 09/14/19, not abandoned but hasn't been updated in a long time
- Christmas - DrEverettMann, last contributed 01/28/20, not abandoned
- Don't Worry About It - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Electronic Shadows Project - Dr Gears, under our jurisdiction
- Fragments - AdminBright, under our jurisdiction
- Foundation Gripe Sheet - toadking07, not abandoned
- Foundation Missed Connections - toadking07, not abandoned
- Gamers Against Weed Dossier - Decibelles, not abandoned
- If You Are Reading This... - Jacob Conwell, not abandoned
- Operation Galahad - daveyoufool, not abandoned
- Personnel And Character Dossier - Roget, Rogo ain't dead
- Retired - Foundation Meetups - Retired
- SCPoems - A Fat Ghost, last contributed 04/17/14, abandoned without ownership
- SCP Fronts The Administrator, last contributed 10/10/15, abandoned without ownership
- Senior Staff Shenanigans - AdminBright, under our jurisdiction
- Snippets of an Unveiled World - Nykacolaquantum does not match any existing user name, not abandoned
- Tales of Mr. Collector - Salman Corbette, given to Rogo
- Tales of the Foundation Force Five - CryogenChaos, not abandoned
- TF Alpha-440 - Hornby, last contributed 07/30/16, abandoned without ownership
- The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - AdminBright, under our jurisdiction
- Thy Will Be Done - Dr Gears, under our jurisdiction
- Unfinished Business III - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned (how is this collab?)
- Visions of a Better World - AdminBright, under our jurisdiction
- "And Then I Died" Archive - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- And Then I Died... - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- And Then I Died... Part III - Decibelles, not abandoned
- And Then I Died IV - Series 2 - Shaggydredlocks, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! Again. - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! Still? - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! Once more... - TroyL, last contributed 11/18/19, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! Now, see here... - Dexanote, not abandoned
- Surprise! Happy Birthday! Listen closely, now... - Dexanote, not abandoned
- Surprise, Happy Birthday! And here we are... - Dexanote, not abandoned
- Technical Issues - ManualSearch, last contributed 12/03/14
- New Technical Issues - Roget, Rogo ain't dead
HUBS: (Click for Main Page)
- AIAD Homescreen - LurkD, last contributed 01/15/20, not abandoned
- Antarctic Exchange Hub - Djoric, not abandoned
- Bellerverse - Banned user, ours now hehe
- Broken Masquerade Hub - DrEverettMann, last contributed 01/28/20, not abandoned
- Codename: Green King HUB - Eskobar, last contributed 07/05/19, not abandoned
- Competitive Eschatology Hub - thedeadlymoose, last contributed 01/26/20, not abandoned
- Doctors of the Church Hub - Smapti, last contributed 09/14/19, not abandoned
- Et Tam Deum Petivi Hub Page - Djoric, not abandoned
- Game Day - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Global Occult Coalition Casefiles - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 13: Special Circumstances, Humanoid Threat Entities - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Threat Entity Database - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- lolFoundation Hub Page - Roget, Rogo ain't dead
- Interviews with Prospective Groups of Interest - MrWrong, last contributed 07/24/18, abandoned without ownership
- Old Man In the Sea Hub - Account deleted, presumably under our jurisdiction
- Only Game In Town Hub - Account deleted, presumably under our jurisdiction
- On Mount Golgotha - HubWrongJohnSilver, not abandoned
- Project Heimdall - Hornby, last contributed 07/30/16, abandoned without ownership
- Project Palisade Test Log - weizhong, last contributed 04/04/19, not abandoned
- Public Domain Protection Service Hub - ObserverSeptember, given to Rogo
- Rat's Nest Hub - Account deleted, presumably under our jurisdiction
- Resurrection - thedeadlymoose, last contributed 01/26/20, not abandonedF
- S & C Plastics Hub - ihp does not match any existing user name, last contributed 01/30/20, not abandoned
- Ship In A Bottle Hub - thefriendlyvandal, last contributed 09/02/19, not abandoned
- The Coldest War - Vezaz, not abandoned
- The Man Who Wasn't There Hub - Drewbear, last contributed 07/15/19, not abandoned
- Unfounded - Hub - DrClef, last contributed 10/18/19, not abandoned
- War On All Fronts - Hub - stormbreath, not abandoned
- What a Wonderful World Hub - DarkStuff, not abandoned
- A Comprehensive List of Esoteric Classes - Nagiros, not abandoned
- A Comprehensive List of K-Class Scenarios - Petrograd, not abandoned
- A Comprehensive List of Mobile Task Forces - MaliceAforethought, not abandoned
- O5 Command Dossier - thedeadlymoose, last contributed 01/26/20, not abandoned
- Rules of Thumb - tunedtoadeadchannel, last contributed 09/18/16, abandoned without ownership
- SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Community hub
- SCP Series 2 - Tales Edition - Community hub
- SCP Series 3 - Tales Edition - Community hub
- SCP Series 4 - Tales Edition - Community hub
- SCP Series 5 - Tales Edition - Community hub
- Explained SCPs - Tales Edition - Community hub
- Joke SCPs - Tales Edition - Community hub
- April Fools 2014 - Aelanna, last contributed 08/01/14, Official Staff Hub
- Black Highlighter Themes - Woedenaz, not abandoned
- Uraniumempire's Personnel File - UraniumEmpire, not abandoned