rating: 0+x
    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
@import url(';800&display=swap');
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@import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap');
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:root {
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    --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT";
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    --acc-nightfall: 151, 0, 2;
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/* VARIABLES > Info Bar */
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/* MAIN */
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/* patch for sidebar media, collapsibles, ACS, info button and ayers module so link doesn't override */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover,
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/* MAIN > Header */
div#header {
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/* MAIN > Header > Search Box */
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/* MAIN > Header > Login Info */
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/* MAIN > Header > Side Bar */
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/* CONTENT > Blockquotes, Custom Divs */
blockquote {
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/* CONTENT > Headings, Titles */
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h2 {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module */
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module > Author Label */
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/* CONTENT > Side Box */
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/* CONTENT > Image Block */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) */
/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Table Headings, Image Captions */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Other Colored Divs */
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.table1 blockquote,
.table1 .jotting,
.table1 .notation,
.table1 .modal,
.table1 .paper,
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.table2 .jotting,
.table2 .notation,
.table2 .modal,
.table2 .paper,
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.table3 .blockquote,
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.table3 .jotting,
.table3 .notation,
.table3 .modal,
.table3 .paper,
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.table4 .blockquote,
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.table4 blockquote,
.table4 .jotting,
.table4 .notation,
.table4 .modal,
.table4 .paper,
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.table5 .blockquote,
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.table5 blockquote,
.table5 .jotting,
.table5 .notation,
.table5 .modal,
.table5 .paper,
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.table6 .blockquote,
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.table6 .jotting,
.table6 .notation,
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Customization */
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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#main-content .page-tags span {
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/* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */
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/* CONTENT > Collapsibles */
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/* CONTENT > ACS Adjustments */
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/* CONTENT > Woed Bar Adjustments */
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/* MISC */
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TO: You
FROM: Dr. Peter Tellmann <tni.tenpics.hcet|20nnamlletp#tni.tenpics.hcet|20nnamlletp>
SUBJECT: Re: 1-3 revision

Sending over the final revision of the guidelines, sec. 1-3. Tell me what you think. Otherwise it should be going live Thursday morning.

—Dr. Peter Tellmann




Revision 2.126

1. PREFACE: The computer software and systems that ensure the proper function of the Foundation’s massive logistical and archival infrastructure needs to be carefully designed in order to be able to withstand anomalous interference. Certain anomalous interactions in critical software may cause serious disasters, potentially costing lives.

For this reason, all Foundation code must follow a strict set of guidelines in order to minimize the possibility of dangerous anomalous interference with software. These guidelines are not foolproof, however, and require safe design choices (see SECTION 2-7: SOFTWARE DESIGN) in order to be fully effective.

2. TERMINOLOGY: In this document, the following terms are used:

  • anomalous interaction/interference: an event in which an anomalous object, phenomenon, entity, concept, or event interferes with the function of a piece of software.
  • critical software: software within Foundation systems whose job is directly responsible for: a) the containment of an anomalous object, phenomenon, entity, concept, or event; b) the physical and/or mental well-being for Foundation personnel; c) the safety of critical Foundation assets; d) the maintenance of the Veil, or; e) the maintenance of Foundation contingencies (HECOR, PROJECT BASE JUMP, EVAC2, [DATA EXPUNGED]). See SECTION 3-1: LEVELS OF CRITICALITY.

3. GUIDELINES: The Foundation requires all critical software to comply with the following five guidelines, which will each be described in full:

  • Simplicity of Flow and Functional Components;
  • Data Checking;
  • Halt and Catch Fire;
  • Safety of Tools and Libraries;
  • Prevention of Unwanted Hazards.

3.1. SIMPLICITY OF FLOW AND FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS: All conditional logic must be as simple as possible. This restricts the usage of goto declarations and recursive functions. Code must also not use unbounded loops; all loops must include a fixed integer boundary. In the case of memory corruption, this could cause stack recursion and infinite loops.

All functions must be as simple as possible. Functions must only perform one task, and executive control must be split between multiple functions, if possible. Functions must also not exceed the compiled size of 2kB. Jumps in control flow must also be avoided, if possible.

The simplicity of code flow and functions limits the scope of memory corruption failures, and decreases the efficacy of most bureaucratiohazards as well. Bureaucratiohazards rely on complex, recursive logical structures, which are to be avoided at all costs.

3.2. DATA CHECKING: All external data sources, including but not limited to: disc, user input, network connections, databases, and instrument readings must be sanitized before usage. Sanitization procedures consist of the following steps:

  • sanitization of cognitohazardous data;
  • sanitization of infohazardous data;
  • sanitization of cyberhazardous data;
  • sanitization of bureaucratiohazardous data (recursive logic loops, non-conforming logical axioms, illegal boolean logic);
  • sanitization of thaumohazardous data (spells, unwanted protective wards, memetic geas);
  • sanitization of theohazardous data (summoning rituals, ritualistically constructed patterns of data, embedded gods);
  • sanitization of unwanted life forms (artificial intelligence constructs with a Brent-Harley Consciousness Level of >0.75, semi-biological data, single-byte life forms, embedded frogs);
  • sanitization of numerohazardous data (anomalous integers, anomalous IEEE 754 floating point values, binary values that do not correspond to 1 or 0, numbers in anomalous bases).

3.3. HALT AND CATCH FIRE: All critical software components must be able to: a) identify possible anomalous interference, and; b) forcefully stop execution if the anomalous interference is determined to be dangerous (see SECTION 3-2: DANGEROUS ANOMALOUS INTERFERENCE). For every thread of execution in a given program, there must be at least one corresponding safety daemon operating in parallel. The safety daemon must be physically separated from the software thread, and must constantly perform memory parity checks and data sanitization on its target thread.

The safety daemon must also be able to physically halt its target thread. It may do this via the following methods:

  • forceful removal of power source;
  • flooding;
  • controlled burn;
  • targeted electromagnetic pulse;
  • deployment of tactical wrecking ball;
  • controlled reality-restructuring event.

In the case of exceptionally dangerous or critical software, multiple safety daemons may be required (see SECTION 3-1: LEVELS OF CRITICALITY). Daemons must log every suspected interaction and must notify operational command in the case of a severe breach.

3.4: SAFETY OF TOOLS AND LIBRARIES: Tools and libraries used in critical Foundation codebases must be approved by the Foundation’s Informational Technology Security and Standards Committee (ITSSC). In all cases, however, it is recommended to use the Foundation’s suite of Internal Code Libraries (FICL). These libraries are developed by the Department of Informational Technologies, and provide additional safety against anomalous interference.

For example, the C Standard Library’s strcopy function does not protect against anomalous Unicode, embedded string-based infovores, colonies of evolved single-byte life forms, and embedded thaumaturgical spells. This is rectified by the FICL Standard Library’s (FICL StdLib) strcopy function, which provides 14,301 separate data checks.

The FICL basic HTTP server also protects against known vulnerabilities, such as Heartbleed (see Laiken, et al., 2001), which caused a massive server outage in 2001. The resultant human blood took 3 days to clean up. The Shellshock bug that caused a massive breach of security in 2007 is also patched with the FICL suite of libraries, which provides advanced informational counseling and therapy to affected servers.

The FICL suite also provides a number of anomalous code libraries, most notably the Ritual Execution Library, capable of performing simple thaumaturgic rituals by creating reality-warping patterns in hardware memory.

3.5: PREVENTION OF UNWANTED HAZARDS: Code must be thoroughly reviewed for the generation of any possible unwanted anomalous effects. One very common unwanted effect is the spontaneous generation of infohazardous data. This occurs commonly in large and complex recursive algorithms. Another common effect is the growth and infestation of colonies of single-byte organisms. These can quickly corrupt entire systems, often irreparably, if not treated immediately. They can be prevented with proper informational hygiene and routine data sanitization.

Other unwanted hazards include:

  • dangerous reality-warping patterns in memory;
  • growth of digital macro-organisms in code;
  • generation of hazardous memory;
  • summoning of demonic and Deific entities;
  • non-Euclidean control flow;
  • generation of alternate time loops;
  • generation of retrocausal threads of execution.

4. RELEVANT CASE STUDIES: The following case studies have been deemed relevant to the guidelines listed above. They serve as examples of the importance of the codebase guidelines.

4.1. 2006 SITE-39 CONTAINMENT INCIDENT: On 2006/06/02, a gross breach of containment occurred at Site-39. The breach occurred at approximately 16:02 GMT due to a containment failure in Cell 33C in Wing FOXTROT. The anomaly contained in said cell, [REDACTED], had previously-unknown reality-warping capabilities. Although weak, these abilities were enough to dangerously alter the memory of a containment system in an adjacent cell.

The memory alteration occurred in addresses 0xA826FFD1 and 0x6BA512A1. These two corruptions caused the formation of a yet-undetected cyberhazardous pattern. Said pattern altered the execution flow of the primary control thread, redirecting it to a secondary function responsible for the operation of the chamber’s magnetic lock door. The function then attempted to access the two corrupted memory locations, creating a Type-2 Simple-Cyclical Bureaucratiohazard. This caused the magnetic lock to repeatedly lock and unlock, eventually jamming and damaging the mechanism. The anomaly was then able to escape containment and caused a cascade containment breach of THETA magnitude.

The incident, although spontaneous, was preventable. A post-incident analysis by the ITSSC determined two factors to be at fault: a) the improper detection of a memory corruption and possible cyberhazard, and; b) a poorly-written algorithm with a needlessly complex control flow, causing the formation of a bureaucratiohazard.

Classified as I-115728.

4.2. 2010 APOTHEOSIS INCIDENT: On 2010/12/08, an improperly sanitized archival system malfunctioned at DEEPWELL Site-11. At exactly 11:02 GMT, SCiPNet user BThomas11 (ID C-11276) submitted a push request to database A2. This request was sent at the exact same time a scheduled database replica was initiated. Due to an improperly programmed mutex, the two requests interfered with each other, causing a database corruption.

The corrupted data caused the activation of a previously-undiscovered dormant colony of single-byte organisms in database A2. The colony began to spread, eventually corrupting a region of code responsible for the replication of data from an active database to a replica database. This code was replaced, likely strategically, with a number of function calls to the ThaumExec library, which initiated a yet-undiscovered ritual within the database. This caused the colony of organisms to achieve apotheosis, and by 13:11 GMT, the Department of Tactical Theology was notified to the anomalous incident.

The Akiva sensors in the database room failed due to an unrelated incident, and were not scheduled to be repaired yet. Due to this, the safety daemon attached to the database thread was not informed of this incident, and the colony continued to spread, now reaching Tier-VII Deific status.

The DoTT attempted to force shutdown the servers, however, the Halt and Catch Fire mechanisms in the server room failed, due to their code being corrupted. The servers were eventually shut down after a technician threw a bottle of water at the servers, short-circuiting the servers. An armed deployment from the DoTT was sent to contain the resultant breach.

The incident caused untold amounts of damage to the Foundation’s IT infrastructure and the breach caused the theocide of three minor deities.

The resultant ITSSC review determined a number of faults in the SCiPNet infrastructure, namely: a) an improperly programmed mutex causing the interference of two threads; b) the failure to discover a number of dormant colonies of informational organisms, and; c) the failure of critical safety contingencies.

Classified as I-7462833.

4.3. 1602 TEMPORAL INCIDENT: On 1602/06/23, a metaphysical reality lock attached to Conceptual Site-72 began to malfunction. The cause was later determined to be due to the use of a poorly-written string length function, rather than a FICL Standard Library function. This function attempted to read un-sanitized data, creating an anomalous number ([DATA EXPUNGED]) in memory. This caused undefined behavior in the metaphysical lock, blocking a crucial temporal indicator and accidentally reversing the flow of time.

This incident was later reverted-retro1 on 1602/06/11 by the Temporal Anomalies Department, reinstating the proper flow of time. The only known records of this event were recorded in Exclusionary Site-01.

Classified as I-1527590.