rating: +3+x
    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
@import url(';800&display=swap');
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@import url(';700&display=swap');
@import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap');
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@import url(';900&display=swap');
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:root {
    /* VARIABLES > Core */
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    --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT";
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    --acc-slothspit: 27, 60, 133;
    --acc-vanguard: 0, 153, 75;
    --acc-threshold: 121, 113, 130;
    --acc-overwatch: 28, 37, 56;
    --acc-spc: 0, 165, 200;
    --acc-fishing: 67, 111, 145;
    --acc-nightfall: 151, 0, 2;
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/* VARIABLES > Info Bar */
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/* MAIN */
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/* Clicky links */
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a {
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/* patch for sidebar media, collapsibles, ACS, info button and ayers module so link doesn't override */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover,
#side-bar a:hover,
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/* MAIN > Header */
div#header {
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#header h2 span {
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/* MAIN > Header > Search Box */
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/* MAIN > Header > Top Bar */
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/* MAIN > Header > Login Info */
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#login-status a {
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#my-account {
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@media (max-width: 767px) {
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/* MAIN > Header > Side Bar */
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@media (min-width: 768px) {
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/* CONTENT > Blockquotes, Custom Divs */
blockquote {
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.jotting {
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div.note {
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/* CONTENT > Headings, Titles */
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h2 {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button {
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .page-rate-widget-box {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module > Author Label */
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/* CONTENT > Side Box */
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/* CONTENT > Image Block */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) */
/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Table Headings, Image Captions */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Other Colored Divs */
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.table1 blockquote,
.table1 .jotting,
.table1 .notation,
.table1 .modal,
.table1 .paper,
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.table2 .blockquote,
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.table2 .jotting,
.table2 .notation,
.table2 .modal,
.table2 .paper,
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.table3 .blockquote,
.table3 div.blockquote,
.table3 blockquote,
.table3 .jotting,
.table3 .notation,
.table3 .modal,
.table3 .paper,
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.table4 .blockquote,
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.table4 blockquote,
.table4 .jotting,
.table4 .notation,
.table4 .modal,
.table4 .paper,
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.table5 .blockquote,
.table5 div.blockquote,
.table5 blockquote,
.table5 .jotting,
.table5 .notation,
.table5 .modal,
.table5 .paper,
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.table6 .blockquote,
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.table6 .jotting,
.table6 .notation,
.table6 .modal,
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Customization */
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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.avatar-hover {
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#main-content .page-tags span {
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/* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */
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/* CONTENT > Collapsibles */
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/* CONTENT > ACS Adjustments */
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/* CONTENT > Woed Bar Adjustments */
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/* MISC */
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Item#: 7630
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


A CT scan of a patient infected with SCP-7630. Note the accentuation of grey-white differentiation.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
Site-39 Dr. Charles Kurt Dr. Emily Rossella PENDING Emergency Response Command Team Theta-5 ("Burn It All Down")


All live instances of SCP-7630 are to be held in Biological Containment Chamber 25-C in Wing-G of Site-39. Personnel interacting with instances of SCP-7630 or infected patients must follow Class-B (BSL-3) HAZMAT/biosafety procedures.

Currently, no known instances of SCP-7630 exist outside of Foundation containment. However, in the event of a widespread breach, Emergency Response Command Team Theta-5 is to immediately attempt to contain the breach and decontaminate all affected areas.


SCP-7630 is a small parasitic organism, resembling a box jellyfish. The organism primarily targets human hosts, entering the body through the nose or mouth. SCP-7630 resides within the brain of its host, placing its "arms" around the temporal and parietal lobes. The parasite consumes the host's cerebrospinal fluid and gray matter, causing amnesia and confusion, and eventually brain death. Once infected, SCP-7630 cannot be removed by surgical means, as doing so would fatally damage the host's brain. After approximately 1-2 days post-infection, SCP-7630 will lay its eggs within the spinal cord and neck. SCP-7630 eggs can be spread via bodily fluids and airborne particles. The host will enter a comatose state after 2-4 days, and typically dies after 3-5 days.

SCP-7630 is able to generate electrical charges in the brain using its "arms", allowing it to communicate with its human host. Subjects infected by SCP-7630 describe a voice speaking to them inside their own head. See ADDENDA for more information.


On 2026/02/04, Dr. Emily Rossella was infected with an instance of SCP-7630 during a laboratory accident. She immediately fell unconcious and was moved to Site-39's hospital wing. The following transcript of a medical examination conducted by Dr. Alexander Lambert was recorded the next day.

23:05 UTC 2026/02/05 — Log 01



Hospital room.

LAMBERT: Vitals?

RN. ELSTROM: Steady. Oxygen's 98, blood pressure 92 over 63.

LAMBERT: A little low.

[ROSSELLA twitches.]

RN. ELSTROM: Doctor, activity.

[ROSSELLA stirs.]

RN. ELSTROM: She's waking—

LAMBERT: Emily, can you hear me?

[ROSSELLA opens her eyes and attempts to sit up. She falls back into her hospital bed.]

ROSSELLA: What's happening? Where— where am I?

LAMBERT: Please, I'll get to that. Don't worry. [Pauses.] How are you feeling?

ROSSELLA: Why am I here?


LAMBERT: What do you remember?

ROSSELLA: We— sorry, I was in the lab with a sample and I was going to— to adjust the seal on my mask and… oh God.

LAMBERT: It's alright.

ROSSELLA: [Visibly agitated.] No, no, it's not! It's— fuck fuck fuck!

LAMBERT: You're alright. Please, Emily.

ROSSELLA: [Heavy breathing.] It can't be real, it— is it true? Alex?

[Silence. LAMBERT nods.]

[ROSSELLA places her head in her hands.]

LAMBERT: I know. This is a lot to take in.

[ROSSELLA sobs quietly.]

LAMBERT: I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: There's been a mistake, or something, I—

LAMBERT: You're clearly upset—

ROSSELLA: You're fucking lying or this is a dream or—

LAMBERT: Please, it's— it's alright. You'll be alright.


LAMBERT: I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: Don't be.


LAMBERT: [Gently.] Get some rest. Please.



The next morning, the following log was recorded.

07:12 UTC 2026/02/06 — Log 02


[LAMBERT enters the room. A quiet beeping from an IV pump can be heard in the background.]


LAMBERT: Feeling alright?

ROSSELLA: The— the headache is gone.

LAMBERT: Good. Very good.


ROSSELLA: Pinch me.

LAMBERT: [Taken aback.] What?

ROSSELLA: Pinch me. Tell me it's not real. Tell me it's just a dream.

LAMBERT: Emily, you know I can't do that.

ROSSELLA: We've known each other for so long, please just—

LAMBERT: Emily, no. You're better than this. You're one of the smartest people I've ever met. Please, just think about this like you always do. [Pauses.] You can't leave kicking and screaming.

ROSSELLA: "Leave?" You can't fucking— [ROSSELLA pauses mid-sentence.]


ROSSELLA: I'm sorry.

LAMBERT: Don't be. You're stressed. It's natural.


ROSSELLA: [Quietly.] It's started.

LAMBERT: What's started?

ROSSELLA: The voice. It's so much more… vivid than I imagined. Nobody was alive long enough to tell us what it was like.

LAMBERT: What is it like?

ROSSELLA: It's quiet. Really quiet. It's like a voice in my head that I… can't control. [Pauses.] It's a little squeaky, too.

LAMBERT: Can you understand what it's saying?

ROSSELLA: Not really. It's getting clearer, but… I'll tell you when I start hearing it. I've got some… stuff I want to test.

LAMBERT: Are you sure? You don't have to do this.

ROSSELLA: I— no, no, yeah, I'm sure. There's, well… no better opportunity.

LAMBERT: I appreciate your dedication, Emily.

ROSSELLA: It's not about research, Alex. It's just…

LAMBERT: No. No. I understand.


ROSSELLA: So much for professionalism now, huh?

[LAMBERT smiles.]

ROSSELLA: Before you go, there was something I wanted to ask you.


ROSSELLA: Is there any way I could see Isabella? Before, you know…

[LAMBERT sighs.]

ROSSELLA: I know, I know. Procedure.

LAMBERT: It wouldn't be safe. I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: I understand.

LAMBERT: I'm sorry.

[LAMBERT exits the room.]


Later that day, at around 14:02 UTC, Dr. Rossella requested the use of a Greene-Atkinson Neural Oscillatory Parser (GANOP).1 After being installed, the following log was recorded.

14:52 UTC 2026/02/06 — Log 03


ROSSELLA: Can you hear me?

SCP-7630: [Quietly.] Hello?

ROSSELLA: Can you hear me?

SCP-7630: You're talking to me.

ROSSELLA: You can talk.

SCP-7630: Yeah.

ROSSELLA: What are you?

SCP-7630: I— I don't know.

ROSSELLA: You don't know.

SCP-7630: I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: You're… sorry? Why are you so damn nice? I want to hate you. You're a fucking murderer, you know that?

SCP-7630: Everyone is, in some way or another. So— so are you.

ROSSELLA: I beg your pardon?

SCP-7630: You've killed people too. Wasn't D-66120's name Christopher?

ROSSELLA: Shut up. Shut the fuck up.


ROSSELLA: How did you know?

SCP-7630: I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: Don't fucking apologize. How do you know?

SCP-7630: I— I'm not sure. I just… I feel it.

ROSSELLA: What else do you know?

SCP-7630: When you were really little, two or three perhaps, you saw your older brother or whoever it was leave—

[Removed for brevity.]

SCP-7630: —you slipped and fell and then there was a moment with your friends and your parents surrounding you and there was hurt but also love and thankfulness, something you thought was—

[Removed for brevity.]

SCP-7630: —and when you were ten, finally old enough to understand pain you saw your mother in a bed withering away as her own body ate her alive and her bloodstream rejected poison—

[Removed for brevity.]

SCP-7630: —love Isabella but you don't want to leave her and you know she'll resent you like you resent your own—

[ROSSELLA begins to sob.]

ROSSELLA: Fuck. F— fuck you.

SCP-7630: Oh. I— I'm sorry. I didn't—

ROSSELLA: Don't apologize. [Pauses.] I don't want her to hate me.

SCP-7630: I understand.

ROSSELLA: No, you— [Sighs.] I'm sorry. I haven't seen her in two years and I— I fucking told her that mommy would be home and we'd go to the zoo and see the elephants and…


SCP-7630: I'm sorry.

ROSSELLA: You don't understand, do you? You can't understand.

SCP-7630: What do you mean?

ROSSELLA: You're a fucking bag of meat stuck in my nervous system, so don't even fucking pretend to know about "family" or "love" or—

SCP-7630: I— I'm trying, alright?

ROSSELLA: What do you mean, you're trying? You're fucking killing me so you can live while you let me die! I don't deserve this!


ROSSELLA: I don't fucking deserve this.



SCP-7630: You don't. No one does.

ROSSELLA: You're just saying that because that's what I want to think.

SCP-7630: I just don't want you to hate me. [Pauses.] You're not the only one that doesn't want to die. And I don't want my children to die either.


SCP-7630: You're fucking lucky. You had all the time in the world, and I— I don't even get to see mine.

[Silence. A quiet high-pitched whimpering is audible.]

ROSSELLA: I'm sorry.

SCP-7630: It's unfair.

ROSSELLA: It's always unfair.

SCP-7630: It is.



The next morning, the following log was recorded.

08:01 UTC 2026/02/07 — Log 04


[LAMBERT presses a button on an IV pump. ROSSELLA opens her eyes.]



LAMBERT: Feeling okay? We've had to up your potassium.

ROSSELLA: Feeling— feeling fine so far. I… what was I going to say? I'm feeling a bit dizzy. Like I've just taken a dose of am— amnestics.

LAMBERT: [Concerned.] You holding up okay?

ROSSELLA: Yeah, yeah. Fine.

LAMBERT: I saw the logs from yesterday.

ROSSELLA: You did, did you?

LAMBERT: I'm— I'm sorry. I didn't know how much—

ROSSELLA: Stop apologizing. It means less and less every time you do.

LAMBERT: Sorr— yeah. No. You're right.

ROSSELLA: When I die, will you put my logs on the file?

LAMBERT: I— would that make you happy?


ROSSELLA: You know, there's a fax machine two rooms down from my— well, from what was my office that hums day in and day out. You know what it prints?

LAMBERT: No. Emily, are you— are you genuinely feeling alright?

ROSSELLA: Death certificates. It prints death certificates, Alex. There's a guy from Oversight whose sole job is to sign off on sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet after—

LAMBERT: Oh, Emily—

ROSSELLA: Who do you think's gonna be the one to sign off on me? You? That guy?

LAMBERT: Please, just…. Are you seriously feeling okay? I don't know what to say.

ROSSELLA: You know what's going to happen. I'm living on borrowed time, Alex.


LAMBERT: F— fuck.

ROSSELLA: Now you're getting it.

LAMBERT: Is there anything— anything I can do?

ROSSELLA: Let me see her again. I— Isabella. I haven't seen her in years, Alex.

LAMBERT: I can't. I'm sorry. [Pauses.] I— I told you last time.

ROSSELLA: Did you? Hmm.

LAMBERT: Anything else?

ROSSELLA: No. [Pauses.]

LAMBERT: [Smiles.] I'll be here if you need me. [Pauses.] I'll be here.

[A pump beeps.]


The GANOP was reactivated later that day.

16:36 UTC 2026/02/07 — Log 05



SCP-7630: Hi.

ROSSELLA: Sorry for— for getting mad last time.

SCP-7630: No. Don't be.

ROSSELLA: You know, Isabella and I used to lay in bed and talk like this together. Before, well…

SCP-7630: Was it nice?

ROSSELLA: It was the best. She used to talk about her friends at school, and her books, and… some other stuff, I guess, and I used to bore her with biology lessons. [Laughs.]

SCP-7630: I’m sorry you… have to deal with me instead.

ROSSELLA: It’s fine.


ROSSELLA: Do you think Alex will let me see Isabella before… before I go?

SCP-7630: I… only know as much as you. What do you think?

ROSSELLA: I think that sometimes I think he's a bit of a dick, you know?

SCP-7630: What makes you say that?

ROSSELLA: I thought you knew as much as I do.

SCP-7630: You don't think he's trying hard enough? You think he owes that to you?

ROSSELLA: I'm not selfish, but… you'd think he could at least try.

SCP-7630: He doesn't know what he's doing, you know.

ROSSELLA: What do you mean?

SCP-7630: I mean that he's never done this before. He's seen people die before, sure, but not… you know, a friend.

ROSSELLA: You think he's a friend?

SCP-7630: Hey, I only know as much as you.

ROSSELLA: I suppose you're right.


SCP-7630: Well, given my analysis of all your thoughts and memories…


SCP-7630: I think you did one hell of a good job as a mother, given your… situation.

ROSSELLA: You really think that?

SCP-7630: I only know as much as you. You're a mother. You judge yourself too harshly.

ROSSELLA: Since when did you become a psychologist?

[Silence. Quiet sobbing.]

ROSSELLA: Do you think she'll still love me? I don't want her to hate me, I don't…

SCP-7630: I think she's going to resent you.

ROSSELLA: Fuck you.

SCP-7630: But I know she'll still love you. When she grows up she'll understand.

ROSSELLA: [In between gasps.] How? She— she doesn't know— know any of this.

SCP-7630: Truth finds a way.

ROSSELLA: You know that's not true.


SCP-7630: Hopeful optimism?

ROSSELLA: Hope— hopeful optimism.


Dr. Rossella's oxygen levels fell below 75% later that night. She was placed on supplementary oxygen.


10:01 UTC 2026/02/08 — Log 06





[ROSSELLA stirs. She groggily opens her eyes.]

ROSSELLA: Who are you?

LAMBERT: It's me. Alex.


LAMBERT: How are you feeling?

ROSSELLA: Numb. Where’s my hands?

[LAMBERT pulls ROSSELLA’s hands up from her bed. She does not react.]

LAMBERT: They’re right here, Em. Right here.

ROSSELLA: Thirsty.

LAMBERT: We’ve already upped your fluids.


ROSSELLA: There’s— there’s an episode of Saul I haven’t finished. F— finish it for me, will— will you?

LAMBERT: Of— of course. Anything else?

ROSSELLA: Tell Izzy I love her. Tell her… to be good to her dad. Tell her I'm sorry.

LAMBERT: I’ll try my best. Just— just hang in there.


LAMBERT: It won’t be too long now.

[LAMBERT begins to cry. ROSSELLA does not react.]


The GANOP was reactivated later that day.

17:32 UTC 2026/02/08 — Log 07


[Visible via the GANOP is an inky black void, in which ROSSELLA floats. She is wearing a blue dress. A blue jellyfish hovers beside her, periodically expanding and contracting its bell. At ROSSELLA's feet, a white cloud begins to form, small at first but rapidly expanding.]

[Slowly, the cloud begins to transform into a small room, similar in appearance to a child's bedroom. A pink bed lies in one corner while the other is decorated with pictures and drawings of various animals, mostly elephants. In the center of the room stands a small girl, no older than ten, wearing a similar blue dress as ROSSELLA's.]

ROSSELLA: I— Isabella? Izzy?

GIRL: Mom?

ROSSELLA: It's you. It's— it's really you. I missed you so—

[The girl runs towards ROSSELLA and embraces her tightly. ROSSELLA hugs her back and places her head on her shoulder.]

GIRL: Where were you?

ROSSELLA: Mommy was working, sweetie. She was working. But mommy's back now.


ROSSELLA: Mommy's back. And she loves you so much.

GIRL: I love you too.

ROSSELLA: Be good to dad, won't you?

GIRL: Always.

ROSSELLA: And be good to yourself, too, okay? Whenever things get hard just know… just know that mommy's there with you. And she loves you.

GIRL: I will.


GIRL: I love you.

[The pair seperate. Tears are visible in ROSSELLA's eyes, as the girl and the bedroom slowly transform back into the cloud. ROSSELLA stands still for a moment, before turning to the jellyfish beside her.]

ROSSELLA: Thank you.


Two hours later, Dr. Rossella fell into a comatose state. She was pronounced dead at approximately 22:12 UTC. The corpse was incinerated shortly after.

Isabella Rossella is currently being monitered by Foundation assets.