rating: +3+x
    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
@import url(';800&display=swap');
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@import url(';700&display=swap');
@import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap');
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@import url(';900&display=swap');
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:root {
    /* VARIABLES > Core */
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    --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT";
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    --acc-slothspit: 27, 60, 133;
    --acc-vanguard: 0, 153, 75;
    --acc-threshold: 121, 113, 130;
    --acc-overwatch: 28, 37, 56;
    --acc-spc: 0, 165, 200;
    --acc-fishing: 67, 111, 145;
    --acc-nightfall: 151, 0, 2;
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/* VARIABLES > Info Bar */
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/* MAIN */
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/* Clicky links */
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a {
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/* patch for sidebar media, collapsibles, ACS, info button and ayers module so link doesn't override */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover,
#side-bar a:hover,
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/* MAIN > Header */
div#header {
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#header h2 span {
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/* MAIN > Header > Search Box */
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/* MAIN > Header > Top Bar */
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/* MAIN > Header > Login Info */
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#login-status a {
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#my-account {
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@media (max-width: 767px) {
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/* MAIN > Header > Side Bar */
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@media (min-width: 768px) {
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/* CONTENT > Blockquotes, Custom Divs */
blockquote {
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.jotting {
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div.note {
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/* CONTENT > Headings, Titles */
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h2 {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button {
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .page-rate-widget-box {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module > Author Label */
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/* CONTENT > Side Box */
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/* CONTENT > Image Block */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) */
/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Table Headings, Image Captions */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Other Colored Divs */
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.table1 blockquote,
.table1 .jotting,
.table1 .notation,
.table1 .modal,
.table1 .paper,
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.table2 .blockquote,
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.table2 .jotting,
.table2 .notation,
.table2 .modal,
.table2 .paper,
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.table3 .blockquote,
.table3 div.blockquote,
.table3 blockquote,
.table3 .jotting,
.table3 .notation,
.table3 .modal,
.table3 .paper,
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.table4 .blockquote,
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.table4 blockquote,
.table4 .jotting,
.table4 .notation,
.table4 .modal,
.table4 .paper,
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.table5 .blockquote,
.table5 div.blockquote,
.table5 blockquote,
.table5 .jotting,
.table5 .notation,
.table5 .modal,
.table5 .paper,
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.table6 .blockquote,
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.table6 .jotting,
.table6 .notation,
.table6 .modal,
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Customization */
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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.avatar-hover {
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#main-content .page-tags span {
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/* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */
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/* CONTENT > Collapsibles */
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/* CONTENT > ACS Adjustments */
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/* CONTENT > Woed Bar Adjustments */
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/* MISC */
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Item#: 7530
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Entrance to SCP-7530.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
N/A N/A Dr. Adrian Cruft N/A


The entrance to SCP-7530 has been sealed off indefinitely. The Church of St. Adrian is to be closed under Cover Story ε-7 ("Unstable Structural Foundation").1

The town of Loran, Nebraska has since been unincorporated. Foundation agents are to monitor the night sky around Loran for any astral inconsistencies.


SCP-7530 is a spatial anomaly, manifesting as a sinkhole of indeterminate depth, located within the Church of St. Adrian in Loran, Nebraska, USA. The anomaly is accessible via a small antechamber located in the basement of the church, hidden behind an unmarked wooden door. Occasionally, small blue lights can be observed flickering from within the sinkhole. The source of these lights is currently unknown (see ADDENDUM 7530-3). SCP-7530 also produces auditory hallucinations in subjects within the Church of St. Loran, with participants reporting hearing the sounds of digging and singing.

SCP-7530 was discovered on 11/04/2023 during an investigation into the town of Loran, Nebraska, regarding a lack of information about the town and its history. During the investigation, agents noticed a number of severe structural issues in the Church of St. Adrian. Upon investigating the source of said structural issues, agents discovered SCP-7530 within the basement of the building, and embedded Foundation personnel took over the investigation shortly after.

It is currently unknown how, despite the seemingly obvious nature of the anomaly and its effects, it managed to go unreported by the citizens of Loran. Investigation into the nature of SCP-7530 is underway.


The following interviews were conducted by Dr. Adrian Cruft with citizens of Loran, Nebraska, in order to gain further context on SCP-7530 and the town as a whole.

Interview with Nancy Wright (Civilian)


CRUFT: Mrs. Wright. Please, sit down.

WRIGHT: Yes, thank you.

CRUFT: [Clears throat.] Would you please state your name for the record?

WRIGHT: Of course. Nancy Wright. With a W.

CRUFT: Fantastic. Okay. Tell me about the town.

WRIGHT: You said you're from the government?

CRUFT: Sure.

WRIGHT: Loran's a small place. Nice and quiet. The whole town goes to church on Sunday, all the kids all go to one school. We try not to get into each other's business.

CRUFT: I see. Is there anything you can tell me about the church?

WRIGHT: I— the church? [Stiffens.] There's not much to know about it, is there? They have stargazing there every week. I think there was a sinkhole that damaged it years ago, but that was far before I got here.

CRUFT: Tell me about that. How did you end up moving to Loran?

WRIGHT: It was just after my mother passed. She— god. I was so young then, and I just couldn't bear it. I started driving; I didn't really have a destination. I just needed time, I think. Then after a while, night came, and I somehow ended up off the interstate, so I pulled over to rest for a bit. [Pauses.] When morning came, I didn't really know where I was. I had ended up in Loran. There was about an inch of rain around my car, so I went into the church for shelter, and that— that's when I met Thomas.

CRUFT: Thomas?

WRIGHT: [Smiles.] My husband. It was like love at first sight, you know? I saw him smiling at me from the door, and… well, we've been living together here ever since.

CRUFT: I see. How long have you been living here?

WRIGHT: It's been, what, sixty years? It's as long as I remember. Places like this, make you feel like you can never leave, don't they?

CRUFT: What do you mean by that?

WRIGHT: Oh, you know. It's like, I could never imagine leaving here.

CRUFT: Really? Do you recall ever leaving the town? To visit family or anything?

WRIGHT: No. Never. I don't think anyone here's ever left.

CRUFT: I see. Do you think there's a reason?

WRIGHT: I don't know. I couldn't tell you, really.

CRUFT: Okay. [Pauses.] Have you ever noticed anything… strange or unusual about the town? Anything you can't quite explain?

WRIGHT: I don't know. Well, now that you mention it, I guess every town has its own fair share of… oddities. Loran's no exception. The town itself has almost no history, at least none that I know of. Sometimes at church, I'll imagine hearing things, like little children singing, but it'll sound so real. Sometimes the stars at night will glow so brightly blue. I've never seen anything like it before. And… god, the people. I've seen them all around town, always huddled together, talking to each other and dispersing the moment I— I try to talk to them. Sometimes they treat me like a total outsider, even though I've lived here for— for years. I don't know.


WRIGHT: Everyone in the town is just odd.

CRUFT: I see. [Pauses.] Could you explain a little further?

WRIGHT: It's hard to describe. [Pauses.] You ever, as a kid, walk in on your father, naked, changing or something? And then, at dinner afterwards, you don't want to bring it up, and everyone's all quiet and awkward?

CRUFT: I— sure.

WRIGHT: It feels like that, just with everyone in the town. No one looks at each other for too long, no one ever stays in the church any longer than they have to— it's like everyone's grieving or something.


WRIGHT: You know, it's odd. It's as if there's something everyone here's trying to forget.


Interview with Thomas Wright (Mayor)


WRIGHT: Sit down.

CRUFT: Er— yes, of course. Mr. Wright, is it?

WRIGHT: Who are you, again?

CRUFT: Apologies, I haven't formally introduced myself yet. My name is Adrian Cruft, I'm an agent from the United States Census Bureau.2 I'm here today to get some information on your town; I believe I spoke to your wife just earlier.

WRIGHT: That was you. [Pauses.] I don't remember inviting you here.

CRUFT: I'm sorry to bother you, but yes, that was me. I'd like to ask you some questions about Loran, if that's okay.

WRIGHT: You said you're from the government?

CRUFT: Yes. We're in the middle of an official investigation into some… some inconsistencies in documentation.

WRIGHT: Fine. [Sighs.] What do you want to know?

CRUFT: Tell me about the history of the town.

WRIGHT: The history?

CRUFT: Yes. You're the mayor, isn't that correct?

WRIGHT: That is. I mean, Loran's a quiet place. The role of mayor is mostly ceremonial.

CRUFT: Tell me a little more about Loran.

WRIGHT: What do you mean? There's not much to know about this place. It's quiet. It's small.

CRUFT: There must be some history to the town, though. Like, for example, the sinkhole.

WRIGHT: The sinkhole? What sinkhole?

CRUFT: The one under the church.

WRIGHT: There— there is one under the church, but it formed, what, eighty years ago?

CRUFT: And you never… repaired it, or anything?

WRIGHT: Why? It wasn't causing anyone any trouble. There's nothing down there. It's too deep to fill, anyway. [Pauses.] If I may, what— what are these questions about, agent?

CRUFT: Mr. Wright, these questions are regarding the history of your town. It's just that the Census has almost no information about Loran. It's as if it just doesn't exist. For example, could you explain this three-year gap in enrollment at the elementary school?

WRIGHT: [Visibly uncomfortable.] That's the… we decided to do homeschooling those years.

CRUFT: Those… three years?

WRIGHT: I— yes. Sure.

CRUFT: None of those students ever returned. The next group of children all started in kindergarten.


CRUFT: What happened to those kids, Thomas?

WRIGHT: I— are you accusing me— us of something?

CRUFT: Certainly not, Mr. Wright. I just need to know what you know. We need information here.

WRIGHT: I— I don't know what to tell you.


CRUFT: That's all you have to say?

WRIGHT: [Sighs.] Loran's just… quiet. That's all you need to know. We don't ask too many questions around here.

CRUFT: Sir, as a member of the federal government, I'd appreciate it if you'd be a little more forthcoming.

WRIGHT: There's nothing you need to know about this place.

CRUFT: On the contrary—

WRIGHT: Our town's name is Loran. We've got thirty-four residents. That's all you need to know.


CRUFT: [Sighs.] Well, is there anything else you'd like to tell me?

WRIGHT: [Looks away.] No. Nothing you need to know about.

CRUFT: Fine. Well, I thank you for your time.


WRIGHT: Before you go, Mr. Cruft. Please don't… don't go digging too far.

CRUFT: S— sorry?

WRIGHT: Whatever you find, please don't think of us too badly… once— [Pauses.] once you know.

CRUFT: Know about what?


WRIGHT: Whatever it was, it was never our decision.


Interview with Robert Tram (Priest)


CRUFT: Hello, Mr. Tram. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

TRAM: Yes, hello… erm…?

CRUFT: The name's Adrian Cruft.

TRAM: Ah, pleased to meet you, Mr. Cruft.

CRUFT: The same to you. [Pauses.] What can you tell me about your church?

TRAM: Well, we're primarily Christian. We're called the Church of St. Adrian. The building's been here since, well, as long as I remember. Generations. It— it used to be called something else though— I don't remember.

CRUFT: Is it popular?

TRAM: Well, depends on what you call popular, but yes, everyone comes here for worship on Sundays. The whole town. And some of the older folks like to go stargazing behind the church some days. Excellent view. St. Adrian's as popular as you could get in a town like this, I'd imagine. [Pauses.] Why— why are you asking me this?

CRUFT: Just for the government's records. Posterity, and whatnot.

TRAM: Sure. Our town is… we're very religious.

CRUFT: I see. Tell me more.

TRAM: It's quiet in Loran. Church is about the only time you see the whole town together. I'll bet half the people wouldn't come here if not for…


TRAM: If— if not for their… spiritual obligations. Again, we're— we're very religious.

CRUFT: And why is that?

TRAM: [Visibly uncomfortable.] There are things… there are things that are better forgotten.

CRUFT: Like what?


CRUFT: I see. What made you become a pastor?

TRAM: I don't know. It wasn't my first choice. Well, I never had a first choice. I never knew what I wanted to do, and once I needed to find a job, I didn't really know where to go. Didn't want to leave Loran. So I went to the church, where I always went, and— and they took me. It was something to do. [Pauses.] I've been here ever since.

CRUFT: Interesting. [Pauses.] What can you tell me about the sinkhole?

TRAM: [Taken aback.] I— the sinkhole? You mean—

CRUFT: I mean the sinkhole in the church, Robert.

TRAM: The sinkhole… the church was damaged because of a sinkhole many years ago, you are correct.

CRUFT: And the sinkhole… it's stayed ever since?

TRAM: I— yes, it has. There's really no reason to go down there, anyway. Too deep. You don't want to fall in.

CRUFT: What do you mean by that?

TRAM: [Clears throat.] Sir, please. What— what exactly is the point of all this?

CRUFT: As I stated before the interview, I am an agent from the United States Census Bureau. We need some more information about your church, and your town. Our current information is, well, lacking severely.

TRAM: Our town is fine as is. There is absolutely no reason to go poking and prodding into things that— that don't concern you.

CRUFT: This matter does concern us, in fact. As a—

TRAM: Then I'd suggest you rethink your concerns, Mr. Cruft, because we are done here.

CRUFT: Mr. Tram, if I may—

TRAM: My church is none of your business.



Foundation field agents recovered a small, unmarked journal hidden underneath a loose floorboard in the residence of Thomas and Nancy Wright.3 A majority of the text is illegible due to water damage. Relevant sections have been reproduced below.

Recovered Journal (Incomplete)

Walked with Jen to school today. She insisted I hold her hand the entire way. Still hasn't stopped raining.

Maria said that her parents are pulling her out of church. I asked but she wouldn't tell me why. I guess Sunday school's going to be way more boring.

We learned about sinkholes at school today. I guess sometimes the Earth just decides to pull things down into it. Rocks and dirt all collapse into a big hole. They kind of scare me, too. Sometimes whole buildings— whole streets can get pulled into one. That's pretty crazy.

Anyway, the stars were really bright tonight. We went to the church to get a better view, since there's a bunch of trees near our home. The sky was really pretty with all the little lights. Jen claims she saw a big blue shooting star, but I don't really believe her.

Oh, and before I forget, it sounded like something was digging under the church. Guess there's… moles or something.

School was cancelled today. Mother won't tell me why, but from the sound of it, something really bad happened. I overheard her and Father talking in the kitchen while me and Jen were doing our schoolwork. She kept mentioning "something cosmic." I hope everything's okay.

Jen and I walked to the bead store today, since we didn't go to school. Mr. Florence, the bead man, wasn't there for some reason. Which was strange, since he's usually always there. We just paid for our beads and left. I got some new blues, and Jen got some purple ones.

Oh, and the raining stopped. The digging behind the church is even louder now.

School is still cancelled. Mother and Father had to go to the church today for some reason, so Jen and I stayed at home. I helped her with some of her schoolwork, and she made some potato fries.

Father and Mother came back at around 9 o'clock. They wouldn't tell us why they were gone for so long. Father looked really worried— more worried than I've ever seen him. Mother was quiet.

I'm starting to get a bit scared. I hope they're OK.

The stars were super bright again tonight. I wanted to go to the church again to watch them, but Father made me stay inside. Oh well. They were still bright enough to see through the trees.

I overheard Father and Mother talking again. I know I shouldn't but… I don't know. There's nothing else really to do. Father said something about a "punishment." I hope he wasn't talking about me or Jen. After a while, Mother caught me listening, and made Jen and I go to our rooms.

Before we went to sleep, though, Mother and Father came to talk to us. Mother was crying a little. Father looked… different. They said that we— Jen and I— had to come with them to church tomorrow. They said that the whole town would be there, too. I asked them what for, but they wouldn't tell us. Mother just told us not to worry, and that it wouldn't hurt… whatever "it" was.

I asked Father what was going to happen, but again he wouldn't answer. Jen asked if we were going to be okay. He said yes, but he wouldn't look at us when he said it. I think Jen's still really scared— she's asked to sleep in my room tonight. But I'm not scared. At least, I don't think. Our parents would never lie to us.

I'm about to go to sleep. The stars are even brighter tonight.

The remainder of the pages are blank.


On 05/05/2023, a camera attached to a rope was lowered into SCP-7530.

Transcript of Exploration Log 01


[00:00:00]: Feed begins transmitting. The exterior of SCP-7530 is visible.

[00:00:34]: The camera begins to descend into the anomaly. The camera's exterior lights turn on.


Camera still, showing an interior wall of the sinkhole.

[00:12:53]: The camera continues to descend. Onboard sensors report descending to a depth of 97 feet, however, only 50 feet of rope had been used.

[02:09:31]: Two (2) hours pass. The camera continues to descend further into the anomaly. The camera's onboard lights begin to grow dimmer. Multiple hand-shaped depressions are visible on the sides of the sinkhole.

[02:32:22]: The exploration is paused temporarily while on-site specialists requisition more rope.

[03:17:43]: The camera's exterior lights have become extremely dim. The camera continues to descend for another four (4) hours. The geology of the walls of the sinkhole are noticeably inconsistent with the geology of Loran, Nebraska; rocks are larger, and the soil has taken on a reddish-brown hue.

[07:27:11]: Water is visible on the sides of the sinkhole. The sounds of digging are audible over the camera's onboard microphones.

[07:33:59]: The light has become so dim that nothing is visible on the camera. The digging sounds are more prominent.

[07:57:18]: The camera continues to descend. A faint, glowing blue light is now visible at the bottom of the sinkhole. Notably, the light is not visible from the surface of SCP-7530.

[08:06:35]: The estimated depth of the camera approaches fourteen (14) kilometers. Internal readings from the camera, however, report a depth of about twenty-two (22) km.

[08:23:23]: The camera angles downward to look at the bottom of the sinkhole, where nothing is visible.

[08:41:36]: The camera continues to descend. Based on measurements taken by the camera's onboard sensors, along with an analysis of the footage heretofore, it has been inferred that the temperature at this point should far exceed what is possible for the camera to withstand. However, the camera continues to function despite this.

[08:48:25]: The light continues to grow brighter. Over the camera's built-in microphone, sounds are audible. The nature of these sounds will not be elaborated upon.

[08:57:42]: The speed at which the camera descends begins to noticeably increase. The speed of the rope on the surface, however, continues to remain consistent.

[09:06:11]: The camera continues to accelerate downwards. The walls of the sinkhole have become a dark blur due to the speed of the camera's movement.

[09:12:31]: The light continues to grow brighter as the camera descends further into the anomaly. The camera's exposure is adjusted accordingly.

[09:19:42]: Over the camera's microphone, the sounds of digging and whispering grow louder as well. Small lights resembling stars are visible along the walls of the sinkhole and at the bottom of the anomaly.

[09:26:38]: As the camera descends, the walls of the sinkhole begin to noticeably expand, forming a enormous, open space. The dimensions of the space are unclear, but appear to be incredibly large. The light continues to grow brighter.

[09:33:18]: The audio transmission begins to deteriorate. A high pitched metallic grinding sound, resembling a scream, begins to overtake the sounds of digging and noise.

[09:39:46]: The camera movement stops abruptly. Against the harsh, bright light, the faces of multiple children, each twisted into an unnaturally grotesque smile, are barely visible. One by one, each of the faces begins to sing in an unknown tongue, forming a discordant cacophony of voices that echo throughout the underground space.

[09:39:49]: The camera suddenly begins to rapidly descend. Dozens of individual faces, each one twisted into the same grotesque smile, none appearing older than eleven (11) years of age, briefly flash by the camera as it speeds deeper into the anomaly. On-board sensors report temperatures in excess of 350 °C (662 °F). The sounds of singing grows louder as more voices can be heard joining in.

[09:39:51]: The faces are no longer visible as the brightness of the light has completely overtaken the frame. The voices in the audio begin to converge into one, chanting a hymn in an unknown language.

[09:39:55]: A young girl's voice is barely audible over the cacophony of noise: It doesn't hurt, mama.

[09:40:01]: The transmission cuts out.

[Approximately thirty (30) minutes pass before the audio abruptly begins to transmit again.]

[10:12:09]: Sounds of digging.


The rope was removed from the sinkhole shortly after. The camera was not recovered, as the camera's attachment mechanism was revealed to have been cleanly severed. Upon examination of the rope itself, it was found to be soaked in a large amount of dirt and warm human viscera. Analysis of the viscera showed the presence of the DNA of at least thirty-three (33) different individuals.

Immediately following the exploration attempt, the night sky around Loran, Nebraska was observed to visibly change. Witnesses reported a number of visual anomalies, including a change in brightness and hue in certain stars. Minor seismic disturbances were also recorded in the area directly surrounding Loran. Investigation is underway.4

The digging sounds continue to transmit over the camera's external microphone.