rating: 0+x
    Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme
    [2022 Wikidot Theme]
    By Liryn
/* FONTS */
@import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap');
@import url(';800&display=swap');
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@import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap');
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:root {
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    --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT";
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    --acc-nightfall: 151, 0, 2;
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/* VARIABLES > Info Bar */
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/* MAIN */
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/* patch for sidebar media, collapsibles, ACS, info button and ayers module so link doesn't override */
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#page-content .rate-box-with-credit-button .fa-info:hover,
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/* MAIN > Header */
div#header {
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/* MAIN > Header > Search Box */
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/* MAIN > Header > Login Info */
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/* MAIN > Header > Side Bar */
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/* CONTENT > Blockquotes, Custom Divs */
blockquote {
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/* CONTENT > Headings, Titles */
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h2 {
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module */
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/* CONTENT > Rate Module > Author Label */
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/* CONTENT > Side Box */
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/* CONTENT > Image Block */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) */
/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Table Headings, Image Captions */
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/* CONTENT > Tables Customization (Table Coloring System) > Other Colored Divs */
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.table1 blockquote,
.table1 .jotting,
.table1 .notation,
.table1 .modal,
.table1 .paper,
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.table2 .jotting,
.table2 .notation,
.table2 .modal,
.table2 .paper,
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.table3 .blockquote,
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.table3 .jotting,
.table3 .notation,
.table3 .modal,
.table3 .paper,
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.table4 .blockquote,
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.table4 blockquote,
.table4 .jotting,
.table4 .notation,
.table4 .modal,
.table4 .paper,
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.table5 .blockquote,
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.table5 blockquote,
.table5 .jotting,
.table5 .notation,
.table5 .modal,
.table5 .paper,
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.table6 .blockquote,
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.table6 .jotting,
.table6 .notation,
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Base */
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/* CONTENT > Tabs Customization */
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/* CONTENT > WORDS NO BROKEY. CROQ HAS SPOKEY. and other things */
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#main-content .page-tags span {
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/* CONTENT > Dustjacket Assets */
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/* CONTENT > Collapsibles */
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/* CONTENT > ACS Adjustments */
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/* CONTENT > Woed Bar Adjustments */
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/* MISC */
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Item#: 7920
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Context unknown.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
RPCF Site-901 Dr. Adam Gardner Dr. Adam Gardner ATF Alef-901-א (“Araphel’s Wanderers”)


Remote Provisional Containment Facility Site-901 has been constructed around SCP-7920’s supposed location. Assigned Task Force Null-901-µ ("Araphel's Wanderers") is to maintain Perimeter L3-12 surrounding Site-901. They are to monitor the anomaly for any changes and report such deviations to SCP-7920's Head Researcher.

Access to SCP-7920’s containment chamber is restricted to members of the OVERSEER COUNCIL.

Research is underway.1


SCP-7920 designates an object, phenomenon, entity, or concept located at [COORDINATES REDACTED], in Blau, Sweden. While the exact nature of SCP-7920 is unknown, local Akiva readings around the anomaly measure at exactly 0.0.2 Currently, SCP-7920 is the only known anomaly to exhibit this property.

The appearance of SCP-7920 varies; see ADDENDA.


On 2025/09/01, Dr. Adam Gardner entered SCP-7920 with a monochrome camera. The following log was recorded.

Recording One (Transcript)


[The camera begins to record as Dr. Gardner enters the containment chamber. The interior of the chamber appears to be a beige-colored room decorated similarly to a classroom. Posters and drawings line the walls and the floor is littered with papers and pencils. Throughout the room, there are multiple desks, and at the front of the room is a large black chalkboard. Seated at the desks are young humanoid entities (designated STUDENT-1 through STUDENT-5) and standing at the front of the room is a larger humanoid entity (designated TEACHER).]

TEACHER: —can tell me? How many stars have fallen through the sky? How many stars have died?

[STUDENT-2 raises his hand.]

STUDENT-2: Another one. One more has fallen.

TEACHER: Good, good. Now, tell me: where do we now stand?

[STUDENT-3 raises his hand. Small pinpricks of light appear on his hand.]

STUDENT-3: We stand in the home of butterflies.

TEACHER: Wrong. An angel has been slain.

[STUDENT-3 dematerializes in a burst of light. A purple butterfly appears in his place.]

STUDENT-1: A graveyard! We stand in nothing.

TEACHER: Correct.

[A loud sound similar to flapping wings can be heard. The TEACHER-entity turns purple.]

TEACHER: Now, who enters our midst?

[All the STUDENT-entities turn to stare at the camera. The camera shakes slightly.]

STUDENT-2: Someone to fill our place. Water fills a hole in the ground and a king fills a throne.

TEACHER: Good. Now, tell me the name of god.


TEACHER: Tell me the name of god.

[In the background, a sound similar to dripping water can be heard.]

TEACHER: Tell me the name of god.

STUDENT-5: [Unintelligible. Squelching.]

[STUDENT-5 transforms into a large chrysalis. The camera begins to shake. A purple light engulfs the video.]

TEACHER: Salvation.

[A loud metallic grinding noise is audible and begins to grow in volume.]


Directly after Dr. Gardner exited the containment chamber, SCP-7920’s Akiva levels increased to 102.1. By a unanimous vote of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Gardner is currently being held in Site-39’s hospital wing in a medically-induced coma.


Around the location of SCP-7920’s discovery, the following objects were recovered:

  • Approximately one (1) liter of human blood, spread on the ground.3
  • Fourteen (14) dead purple butterflies.
  • Two (2) still-burning bonfires (since extinguished).
  • One (1) Glock 17 (loaded).
  • One (1) human corpse.4
  • One (1) ornate golden crown embedded with purple jewels, stained with a large amount of butterfly blood. Constantly emits an Akiva level of ~4.5. The words “There are no gods here.” are etched on the back.5

The body of Dr. Adam Gardner shows the following symptoms:

  • Advanced necrosis. Flesh has ceased necessity and has been discarded.
  • Consciousness reification.
  • Meta-noögenesis.
  • Ascension from physical form.
  • Hyperactive Akiva emissions.
  • Ambient reality-altering effects.
  • Febrile neutropenia.

Through intensive anomalous testing, the Department of Tactical Theology have determined the following facts regarding SCP-7920 with various degrees of certainty:

Object is alive. 12.12%
Object was alive. 95.25%
Object exists. 15.2%
Object does not exist. 84.8%
Object was/is deific. 96.22%
Object is man-made. 12.17%
Object was murdered. 95.33%
A hole where a god once was is being filled. 99.99%


On 2025/09/22, the OVERSEER COUNCIL voted unanimously to initiate PROJECT BLACK LOTUS and entered SCP-7920’s containment chamber. The Ethics Committee raised dissent— however, due to pressing circumstances, including the recent loss of Site-515 and Site-906, the completion of the project was necessitated and the Committee’s dissent was vetoed.

The following log was recorded.

Recording Two (Transcript)


[The OVERSEERS enter the containment chamber. They are standing inside a large circular cavity. The walls are pink and slimy, organic in appearance, slightly squishy to the touch. Dotting the walls are small holes, about ten centimeters in diameter each, filled with a harsh golden light. Every couple of seconds, the entire cavity shakes, bouncing the camera up and down. At the end of the cavity, there is a light.]

[The camera moves towards the light, and the OVERSEERS step into it.]

[Inside it appears to be a small hospital room. In the center of the room is a bed, surrounded by IV pumps. Lying in the bed is a man in a hospital gown. His eyes are closed.]

O5-12: Who are you?

O5-5: Is that… Adam?

MAN: No. Not anymore, I don’t think.

O5-5: Then who are you?

MAN: Hard to say for certain. [Pauses.] Have you read the Theology report?

O5-7: How do you know about that?

MAN: Answer the question.

O5-5: Yes, we have.

MAN: Then you’d know who I am.

[An IV pump begins to beep.]

O5-11: What is this place?

MAN: Here? It’s a hole. A very big one. Large enough to fit a man… large enough to fit a god. It’s… whatever you want it to be, I guess.

O5-11: What does that mean?

[The beeping increases in volume. Suddenly, the scene shifts. The hospital room slowly transforms into a bedroom and the hospital bed becomes a large white king-sized bed. The IV pump’s beeping is replaced with that of an alarm clock’s.]

O5-11: What have you become?

MAN: I’ve filled the place of what used to exist here. You tell me.

O5-6: How?

MAN: A star supernovas and a new star is formed in its dust. Have you forgotten the number of dead stars?

[A pause. The beeping grows louder. Holes appear in the ceiling, in which long pink fleshy tentacles begin to protrude out of. They writhe in the air. The OVERSEERS do not take notice.]

O5-11: [Angrily.] What is the name of god?

MAN: No.

O5-6: Answer him, coward. What is the name of god?

[The alarm clock continues to beep.]

MAN: Adam.

[O5-6 slaps the MAN in his face. He winces. Burned into his forehead are three inward-facing arrows.]

O5-11: Tell me the name of god.

[Silence. The beeping stops. O5-11 smiles. Gunshot.]


Dr. Gardner was terminated in his hospital bed via gunshot by Overseer order on 2025/09/23 at exactly 11:55 UTC. His body has been incinerated.


Testimony F2-51927A2D-6


[REDACTED]: What did you see?

SUBJECT: It's all fuzzy now, I—

[REDACTED]: What did you see?


SUBJECT: There was a mountain, I think. I was in a valley. It was dark. There were… a few stars in the sky. Faint.


SUBJECT: The mountain was bare. Completely bare. There was only white snow and rock. It was— it was cold.


SUBJECT: It was just around midnight when it happened. [Pauses.] It started with a screech. This— this horrible, wretched screech, like an animal being killed, but… unnatural, somehow. It filled the entire valley. It was trying to say something, I think, but… it was just so fucking loud.


SUBJECT: And suddenly… the whole valley was suddenly lit in this bright red light, like it was day again. But there was no sun in the sky, just a horrible red star with three blistering white lines around it. It looked like a sigil, almost.

[REDACTED]: What else did you see?

SUBJECT: Over the red glow, there was a pitch black silhouette, like a hand, reaching over the star. It blocked the light from the star, for just a moment, until…. There was a sound, like a gunshot, and then… silence.


SUBJECT: The whole mountain was drenched in dark, like nothing had ever happened. The light was gone. [Pauses.] I can still hear it sometimes.

[Silence. Quiet sobbing.]

SUBJECT: I— I know it wasn't a dream.



On 2025/10/06, the OVERSEER COUNCIL entered SCP-7920’s containment chamber once again in order to determine the efficacy of PROJECT BLACK LOTUS.

Recording Three (Transcript)



Context unknown.

[The OVERSEERS enter the containment chamber. Its interior appearance now matches its intended appearance; a large concrete room with a blast-proof door at the end. Inside the chamber, however, is a polished mahogany table with thirteen seats surrounding it.]

O5-7: Where are we?

[The chairs all turn to face the entrance. The sound of wind can be heard over the camera’s microphone, although with no discernible source.]

O5-11: We’ve filled it. We’ve filled the hole.

[The room is suddenly bathed in a purple glow. On the wall opposite the entrance, a massive sigil is carved into the concrete. Three inward-facing arrows pierce a circle. The OVERSEERS walk towards the table.]

[They sit down.]

[Suddenly, the ceiling splits into two pieces, and crumbles away into dust. Above the ceiling is a massive black sky, dotted with thousands of stars.]

O5-3: It’s… beautiful.

[The stars shift and align, and form a massive sigil in the cosmos, identical to the one etched into the wall. A metaphysical deity bows down to the OVERSEERS.]

O5-11: This is it— our throne.


Akiva emissions from SCP-7920’s chamber have increased to 516.8.


The following is a message composed via consensus of the OVERSEER COUNCIL.




Context unknown.

Following the successful completion of PROJECT BLACK LOTUS and the containment of SCP-7920, the Foundation now represents a Class-VI Deific entity. At this time, the OVERSEER COUNCIL represents the godhead6 of the Foundation and will see this organization to its end. Due to the current status of the Foundation, the Trinity Directive7 has been etched into the fabric of metaphysical reality.

Systemic worship and widespread internal reorganization will continue to ensure the deific status of the Foundation.

The OVERSEERS have been briefed on Class-Thaumiel contingency: PROTOCOL 999-SERAPH and are currently the primary executors of Section 2.5 (Theocide). Crimes have been preemptively justified.

Remote Provisional Containment Facility Site-901 has been re-designated as Site-01.


Reclassification to Thaumiel pending.



Context unknown.

ITEM №: SCP-7920


SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: The containment of SCP-7920 falls under the direct purview of the OVERSEER COUNCIL. Standard matters of classification and containment previously handled by the OVERSEER COUNCIL are now to be handled by the Department of Oversight.

All Foundation and Foundation affiliate employees are to be briefed on PROTOCOL 999-SERAPH and must abide by all religious specifications.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-7920 has been contained. Further information is not available at this time.