This Is A Test Title In Order To See How Well It Fits On A Screen
rating: +1+x

This is Retro Futura CSS Theme made by Fish^12Fish^12 for myself.

To import this theme to your page, put the following text anywhere inside it:

[[include :scp-wiki:theme:retro-futura]]

The following is a blockquote.

[[div class="blockquote"]]
This is a blockquote.

The following are titles. Use "+". You know how to do this already.


Text here to demonstrate use in an article.


See how nicely it separates?


I'd use this all the time, personally.


Very convenient.


For the low, low price of 10 $499.99 payment installments over a twelve month period.


How's that?

Header font is Sacramento.
Title font is Josefin Sans.
Body font is Nunito.
