Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Pest-control services within Birch are given a modified Aerial Applicators Manual. Private applicators are instructed to call a number provided if a Stage 3 infestation occurs. This number goes directly to the Site-900 MTF Department. If the applicator(s) describe any anomalous activity in their report, Class A/Class B amnestics are to be distributed accordingly.
Homeowners are to be relocated as soon as a Stage 3 infestation manifests. Homes affected are to become property of the Foundation.
Description: SCP-XXXX is an anomalous phenomena affecting homes within the town of Birch, Colorado. Manifestations begin as regular insect, arthropod, and/or rodent infestations. From there, the infestations become larger in scale and deadlier in nature.
The Department of Containment at Site-900 has broken down the development of an SCP-XXXX infestation into four stages:
- Stage 1: A small-scale infestation occurs within the plumbing or ventilation systems of the house.
- Stage 2: If pest-control services are called, the infestation ceases for 1-2 days. Otherwise, infestations begin to appear in new places around the house.
- Stage 3: Nearly every room of the house is infested.
- Stage 4: