Death; Instant
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- Dr. Laura Knight

Item #: SCP-XXXX Open
Object Class: Safe Access


By hovering over and viewing this image, you are exposing yourself to SCP-XXXX.
See Description for more information.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is kept in storage room ST-12 on the top floor of Site-96. A sign on the front of the door warns personnel of the contents within, and reminds them that anyone who enters the room is required to communicate the time of entry to the current acting director of the site.

As mandated by the acting site director, ST-12 is kept unlocked at all times.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an abstract piece of art painted with oil pastels on a canvas board. Any human sapient creature that views the surface of SCP-XXXX is guaranteed to die instantaneously, and without biological cause, at an entirely random point during their ordinary lifespan. The death is painless, and the time at which it happens is not based on any known factor, but rather occurs at any visceral instant from the viewing of SCP-XXXX until the subject's normal, biological death.

Addendum: Dr. Laura Knight, acting director of Site-96, has been writing an autobiography for a number of years, and was asked to include sections of it that related to SCP-XXXX in this document. At the time of writing, Dr. Knight has been affected by SCP-XXXX for 43 years.

" … because I was promoted to level 4 pretty early on in my career, I've always had some security in knowing I had people looking out for me, but it doesn't do much. I thought the anxiety of death was bad when I could only die normally, but knowing any second I could drop to the floor… It's nightmarish."

(page 4, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

" … Cecile Flywhistle, who I was friends with for almost a decade. Cece and I were on the original CT-XXXX, and we were there when it was discovered in that half-burned house in Norway. Norway had some great food, I've been back a number of times, but that day was as much of a shock as anything that's happened since. Everyone knows the story of that place. The creaky rubble, the hallways that smelled like death, the bodies, but the specifics are always wrong. Truth is, by the time we were able to dislodge the painting from the wooden beam it was stuck under, two of our team members were already dead. Just dropped like someone had pushed their off button, no noise, no nothing. It took about six days before Randall died, and a few months before Kaela took the plunge as well, til' Cece and I were the only surviving members. Of course, by the time she died, we had finally figured out how that damn thing worked, and she and I had grown a lot closer over the years. A whole lot closer. I still miss that girl."

(page 17, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

"Sometimes I go to bed praying that I wake up. Sometimes I go to bed praying that I don't. Doesn't make a difference either way."

(page 57, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

"About a week after they figured out that damn painting, there was an emergency meeting called to determine who had seen it and when, and how to move forward. Of course all of the overseers had, as well as a number of high-ranking faculty members, myself included. The protocol that was decided on was pretty much just business as usual, with an expedited 'next-of-kin' plan for when death finally snuck up on us. Luckily for me, I had already decided on my replacement, though I wasn't too keen on sharing at the time."

(page 64, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

" … not like Cece, anyways. We spent a lot of time together, on missions and alone. I remember one trip we took, some August too many years ago to count. We were on a riverboat shaped like a mythological creature, like a dragon or something, and we were laughing and having a grand old time, and she laughed so hard, she fell into the water, and when she came up, her cheeks were bright red, same color as the damn sunset. Sometimes I called her Red, for those cheeks of hers, always blushing from some silly thing. She and I had a really special connection, and when death took her, that was the first time I really felt it on me. I felt like I could feel something crawling up my skin, and I knew it was coming for my throat, but it was so light with its little feet, I wasn't able to place exactly where it was on me. I just knew it was there, crawling. Inching. I didn't sleep for weeks."

(page 101, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

"I've started trying drugs recently, in small amounts of course. I never knew how freeing it was, but I'm actually quite good at it. It's a bit silly, but it's nice to have something to do that I don't have to spend time on for it to have an actual positive outcome. If I ever started an actual hobby, how would I be able to commit myself to it, knowing that any day could be the day I finally die?"

(page 104, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

" … and I keep trying to get myself to date, or flirt, or even hook up, but I couldn't imagine some poor girl getting to know me, getting attached, and then boom, I'm gone. I couldn't do that to someone. So aside from my co-workers, I've for the most part stopped talking to people altogether. It's hard sometimes, and I'd love to go out into the town and strike up a friendly conversation with some dear old lady in the park, or get a bagel from Tony's, but I can't let people be exposed to something as traumatic as instant death. It's horrible, and scary, and you never ever recover."

(page 184, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

" … so at least I can take solace in the fact that I know our onsite therapist isn't full of shit, since I was the one who hired him. He knows all about the painting, and almost everything about Cece, but I feel so strange talking to him about my inner thoughts. All the depression, and fear. The real fear, not the shit I've been telling him."

(page 204, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)

"Frankly, I'm quite aware that unless something goes horribly wrong, nobody, at least not the general public, are ever going to see this, and in some ways that makes it easier to put all my thoughts to paper. I've lived a strange life, certainly stranger than most, and I don't think it would be fair to say I'm ready for it to end, but I'm at least satisfied. Someday, likely soon, that will be it, and I'm still scared, how could I not be, but… well, you know the story. Here's to you, Red. I'll see you at the bottom of the river."

(Epilogue, When Dreams Conquer and Death Defies)