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Item #: SCP-7777

Object Class: Damballah

Special Containment Procedures: Despite the significant damage and strain SCP-7777's effects have on reality, there are currently no known protocols to properly contain or mitigate the damage caused. It is currently unknown how consensus reality is still capable of existing despite this.

Description: SCP-7777 is a phenomenon that affects specific researchers and administrative staff of the SCP Foundation.

Avatar Author Entity Attachment Description of Manifestation
Rsr. James Talloran LordStonefishLordStonefish Anomaly manifests as a malevolent ontokinetic force determined to cause as much anguish to Researcher Talloran as it possibly can.
Agt. Samuel Friedrich MayDMayD Anomaly manifests as a glowing golden crown that floats above the head.
Dr. Jason Dune J DuneJ Dune Anomaly manifests as the corpse of Edward Dune.
Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian Doctor CimmerianDoctor Cimmerian Anomaly manifests as total immortality and a probability field around Dr. Cimmerian that greatly reduces any harm to come to his person.
Dr. Michael Magnus DrMagnusDrMagnus Anomaly manifests as the skeleton of Dr. Magnus.
Dir. Jean Karlyle Aktus djkaktusdjkaktus Anomaly manifests as a Type Green entity named Sam Howell.

Things got ugly. Something happened and she…

She left.

Everything that I- that she worked on- all of that was just lying around.

I guess you could say it's a limbo of sorts. I figured someone would want to do something about it and people did, actually. They practically gave new life into the old stuff.

Except for me.

Whatever happened was so bad, no one wanted anything to do with me. It felt like I was poison for them. Maybe as a reminder considering what happened.

As for me? Well… there is a place for people like me. It's a place for things that got erased and forgotten but, in a weird way, deserve to be remembered.

Get some rest. You've earned it.
