
Item №: SCP-001 Level 4/001
Object Class: Thaumiel Classified


Secure Facility 001-01

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-001-2 is a Keter-class anomaly, and is to be closely monitored by Foundation space telescopes. In the event that it enters Earth's orbit, refer to the containment procedures of SCP-6000-1.

Description: SCP-6000 is the collective designation for two directly-related anomalies.


SCP-001-1/03. Photograph taken upon discovery

SCP-001-1 is the designation for twenty-five underground facilities, located near major population centers on every continent except Antarctica. Hume-based relative dating has shown each to be upwards of 10 million years old; despite this, instances show very few signs of age, and are extremely well-preserved. SCP-001-1 are similar to the point of being identical, and consist of four storeys:


A chamber within SCP-001-1/01, for the protection of important personnel

SCP-001-2 is a humanoid automaton, stated by documents found within SCP-001-1 to be 240 meters tall and extremely hostile to all forms of life. Additional documentation pertaining to the anomaly has been documented in Addendum 001-1.